Main Page
From BruCON 2013
BruCON 0x05 is over. As always we had great fun. You can see the videos of 2013 online on our YouTube channel.
Block your agendas for 2014, BruCON trainings will be on 22-24 September, the conference on 25-26 September 2014.
We also might have a surprise for you after the winter :-)
Stay in touch BruCON mail list: subscribe form We promise to keep the spam level low :-)
Latest news
- Training in the spotlight: Hacking PDF by Didier Stevens (September 02, 2013 21:43)
- New workshop and hackaton announcement: Cuckoo Sandbox @ BruCON (August 29, 2013 09:27)
- BruCON training in the spotlights: "The Art of Exploiting Injection Flaws" (August 28, 2013 17:01)
- Without these companies, BruCON would not exist (August 15, 2013 23:14)
- Announcing the Facebook Capture The Flag (July 22, 2013 13:00)
What is BruCON?
BruCON is an annual security conference providing two days of an interesting atmosphere for open discussions of critical infosec issues, privacy, information technology and its cultural/technical implications on society.... (Continue to our FAQ)
You can also follow BruCON news on ,
- Schedule - speaker and workshop conference program
- Training - BruCON training program
- Tickets - pricing and registration
- Challenge - Show your Foo in this CTF and learn new skills
- Lightning Talks - present your own cool research, project or tool
- Podcast - Live Security podcast meetup
General information
- Frequently Asked Questions - Brucon FAQ
- Travel - where to go and how to get there
- Accommodation - where to stay
- Press - information for the press
- Contact - how to contact the organizers
- Anti_harassment - BRUCON anti-harassment policy
- Volunteers - you can be one of them!
- Events - Organize or join one of the activities
- Propaganda - help us spread the word
- Venue - How to get to the conference
- Places to see Places in Belgium to see
- Presentations - Archive of BruCON presentations
- Weblogs - a collection of blogs covering the event
- Podcasts - Podcasts covering BruCON
- Twitter - Brucon tweets
- Press Review - press coverage
- Photo Documentation - list your pictures here
- Video - Live streaming and recordings
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, you can contact us here. |